Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Sheehan Administration
at work?,pf_pt/37074_rid/globalrelevanceex_sort/42.762389,-73.700924,42.573815,-73.920651_rect/11_zm/2_p/

City of Albany neighborhoods are
in decline.  Mayor Sheehan's
2017 Rezone Albany  ,rubbers stamped
by the 15 Member Albany Common
Council in 2017,  permitting
fast track mixed use development in
former RIB zoned single family 
residential neighborhoods, where only
family homes and Houses of  Worship
were permitted. Such as ours, which
pay the lions share of property taxes
that support City School/City government
services, puts the City of Albany on the
fast track to becoming Detroit on the

Giving lavish tax breaks to  developers
for building more apartment housing
with high rents, and low amenities
in Uptown Albany such as the project
across from St Peter's Hospital 
 (Academy Post Office) will revert
to section 8 occupancy, creating a slum
like the one  erased by the Albany Med
urban renewal effort. This is planning?
What , by and for whom?

People in the nearby high property tax
blocks like South Manning Blvd, Marion
Avenue and around Buckingham Pond 
are beginning to sell out at reduced 
prices.   Will City and school property
taxes go down as well?  Will more local
resident homeowners protest their
assessments this year (May)?

Foreclosures are on the rise.

Elderly homeowners on fixed incomes
cannot afford the escalating property

Old housing stock requires expensive

Section 8 housing programs spreads 
blight to the last remaining tax paying
single family residential neighborhoods. 

Welcoming more poor, unskilled non-
English speaking refugees, who do not
intend to assimilate, and who go on the
welfare rolls, in a City will an already
large native poverty rate is insane.

Will "No Go Neighborhoods" welcome
Community policing?

Diversity without allegiance and
cultural assimilation will only doom
Albany to  higher poverty rates, more
crime,  lower school performance
and increased government dependency.

A sad fate for the once proud Capitol
City of the former Empire State.

Albany City School District take note.
Reign in spending, creation of more
middle schools. Otherwise, do not be 
surprised if the school budget goes down
to defeat in May.

                                  Joe Sullivan

1 comment:

  1. That Zillow page may be way out of date. 28 Marwood was sold and rehabilitated two years ago.
