Saturday, November 17, 2018


Open the link above and you will see a photo depicting the
racists . Government can not decree equity among neighborhoods and neighborhood residents.  

Mayor Sheehan's garbage tax extension and higher water-sewer rates ad an unfair burden to already overtaxed single family homeowners who pay the lions share of property taxes that support city schools/city government services.  Most of these homes are occupied by one individual who puts out a small garbage bag of trash and who uses much less water  than homes in mid and down town neighborhoods who produce more trash and use more  water, have the most children in school
but whose home values are lower and as a consequence pay much lower taxes to support city schools and city government services. It is about time that mid and downtown neighborhoods and public housing pay their fair share of support for city schools/city government services!

A moratorium is needed immediately on lavish tax breaks to developers to build "luxury apartments"in an already saturated  market until the sewer/ storm water issue is resolved water

Furthermore, Mayor Sheehan's Rezone Albany Zoning Code which she rammed through a compliant rubber stamp council in June 2017, allowing mixed use developments in former R1B single family residential districts, where only single family dwellings and houses of worship were permitted, is sure to erode neighborhood residential integrity and quality oif life , homes values and in turn negatively impact property taxes of once prime neighborhoods.For sale signs abound everywhere Uptown, Many houses are abandoned. Rezone Albany all but did away with applying for variances.   The glut of tax break driven "luxury housing" will revert to section 8 subsidized public housing .

Playing the race card divides people and neighborhoods, creates imagined victims and opens the door to more failed
government policies like affirmative action and is used by leftist Democrats in their objective of establishing one party rule at all levels of government 

Albany being a sanctuary city only increases poverty and is a further drain on single family resident taxpayers , city schools
hospitals. The Mayor and Council Members who spport sanctuary status are lawbreakers, setting a poor example for al citizens. The federal government should end all aid to cities/states whom proclaim they are sanctuary entities in defiance of U S Immigration Law.

                                                                  Joe  Sullivan


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