Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Guilderland Town Justice mugged
in Tawesentha Park by 21 votes
out of 9,000 plus eligible Democrats
Democratic socialism in action?
Vote Judge Napierski back in office Nov 6
Vote Row C Conservative. Vote at regular polling
places, 6 am - 9pm or by legal absentee ballot.
Joe Sullivan
Conservative Row C
NYS Assembly 109 AD
in Tawesentha Park by 21 votes
out of 9,000 plus eligible Democrats
Clenahan wins Dem caucus by 21 votes
— Just 21 votes separated Bryan Clenahan and Christine Napierski July
26 at the Guilderland Democratic caucus, which was conducted using paper
ballots rather than a voice vote or a show of hands because so many
voters — 285 — turned up at Tawasentha Park.
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Democratic socialism in action?
Vote Judge Napierski back in office Nov 6
Vote Row C Conservative. Vote at regular polling
places, 6 am - 9pm or by legal absentee ballot.
Joe Sullivan
Conservative Row C
NYS Assembly 109 AD
https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/New-Albany-police-chief-to-be-introduced-Monday-13115846.php#photo-15940049AUDIT THIS
The Albany City Auditor, County
Comptroller and Albany City School
District should present audits of what
sanctuary policies of the city, county
and city school are costing taxpayers
and Albany's large poverty population
of native born residents:
Joe Sullivan
The Albany City Auditor, County
Comptroller and Albany City School
District should present audits of what
sanctuary policies of the city, county
and city school are costing taxpayers
and Albany's large poverty population
of native born residents:
Joe Sullivan
Monday, July 16, 2018
Friday, July 13, 2018
109 AD, City of Albany Towns of
Bethlehem, Guilderland, New Scotland
Updated: 7/16/18 and 7/18, 2018
Conservative Row C November 6, 2018
I will honor my oath of office to uphold
the Constitution, should you elect me.
Issues, Include:
1. Establishing Law and Order in the
City of Albany. Support choosing a
police chief from the ranks of the Albany
Police Force.
Restore Law and Order to Albany streets.
A citywide curfew would be a proper response
the the July crime wave and killings in the city.
Is this filming a proper role model for inner
City youth? How does it benefit City property
tax payers and efforts to curb growing violent
crime in the City of Albany?
Stop and frisk worked in NYC, it can work in
Albany. Disarm the perps!
Contrary to the claims of the Mayor and other
local officials, the Guardian Angels are welcome
by Albany residents.
Neighborhood Association watches should step
up efforts to assist the Albany Police in keeping
our neighborhoods safe.
In the Buckingham Pond/Crestwood NA all
residents are part of our neighborhood watch.
Call the APD Center Sq Station: 458 5660
Anti-Terror Hotline: 1 866 SAFE NY (723 3697)
as needed.
2. End sanctuary status for Albany City
and County.
Local city and county officeholders who support
sanctuary status for Albany City/County are law
breakers. Do not be surprised if they are taken away
in handcuffs by federal authorities later this year.
3. A moratorium on Rezone Albany.
Amending zoning provisions pertaining
to mixed uses in one and two family residential
zones to protect home values, residential integrity
quality of life and the City property tax base
that supports City schools and city government
All tax breaks to promote increased "luxury"
apartment construction and related mixed use
developments should be suspended. Fix the city
sewer system before moving forward with any more
development schemes.
The apartment housing scene in Albany is
saturated. It makes no sense to add development
and population to a city sewer system that is
inadequate to meet the needs of the existing city
4. Oppose city plan to site a sewer treatment plant
in Lincoln Park, next to O'Brien school. Better
alternative is to separate storm and sewer lines
North of Lincoln Park, reroute storm water to
County Treatment Plant, Menands.
Before the City of Albany saddles Albany
taxpayers with 45 million dollars, plus for their
flawed Lincoln Park storm water treatment plant
the separation and rerouting and treatment of
storm water run off at the Menands county
treatment facility should be thoroughly evaluated.
5. The proposed 93 unit "luxury" apartment
development at Academy post office opposite
St Peter's Hospital should be scrapped. It is not
good for St Peter's nor for our neighborhood.
Who will pay a premium rent for an apartment
that has no parking garage? Traffic congestion
is already a major problem in that corridor.
Truth be told the "luxury" housing proposal
will not be and will fail becoming Section 8 housing.
Result: recreation of the former slum that was
in the shadow of Albany Med, further down
New Scotland Ave that required a very expensive
urban renewal project to clear out.
Homeowners along S Manning Blvd and Marion
who pay upwards of 20,000 dollars annual
property taxes , who already suffer damage to
their properties from sewage and storm water
back up, will throw in the towel and flee the city.
This, in turn, will negatively impact
property tax support for City schools and
governmental services. This is wise planning?
6. No sale/privatization of Albany Municipal
Golf Course. The existing seasonal multiple use
pattern by City residents should be retained.
As such, the golf course is an asset to the people
of Albany. It was the intent of former Mayor
Corning and Sttae Senator Howard Nolan Jr
who did the legal annexation work from the Town
of Bethlehem that the golf course would remain
so in perpetuity for the use and benefit of City
7. Amend Small Cities Law to provide that if
the office of Mayor becomes vacant, a city wide
special election to elect a new Mayor shall be held.
This amendment should be passed by the State
Legislature at special session later this year with
an immediate effective date.
Under current law Corey Ellis, Common Council
President would complete the term of Mayor, if
Sheehan vacates that office for any reason. Were
this to happen Albany would surely become Detroit
on the Hudson.
8. Repeal of 2 percent real estate transfer tax for
Town of Bethlehem.
9. Oppose extension of the City trash tax to uptown
single and two family residential neighborhoods.
How many sanitation workers have filed workers
comp claims because the blue container-truck
combo is not working and workers have to lift the
blue bins and empty them into the garbage trucks?
10. Hold on to the 353 acres of Coeyman's land
that former Mayor Jennings acquired with 5.3
million dollars of City taxpayer dollars for use as
as an alternative to closing the present Albany
Under no circumstance should the Sheehan plan
to sell the 353 for about 10 percent of the purchase
price be approved by the Common Council.
Explore other alternative uses for that land and
recoup as much of the original purchase price as
11. Rezone Albany wiped out a number of
neighborhood green spaces we had established
in perpetuity with the Jennings administration
before present Mayor Kathy Sheehan arrived
on the scene.
a) South Manning at New Scotland
b) Krum Kill at New Scotland
c) Whitehall at New Scotland.
All of which are now zoned commercial.
Amend Rezone Albany to restore the above
as green spaces in perpetuity.
We proposed that the Whitehall-New Scotland
corner become the Dan O Connell Memorial
Pocket Park with a flag pole, some benches and
a stone marker honoring Dan who lived down
Whitehall Road.
Sheehan is going to fast track this site as a Dunkin
Donut drive in shop. This will only increase traffic
congestion at that corner.
Dan O'Connell? Socialist Mayor Sheehan could
give a damn less. The party of Dan O Connell is
no more. High jacked by self proclaimed
"progressive" socialists.
Watch this website for additional positions on
Government can't save us, we must save ourselves
and our government.
Elected officials are to serve you, not rule you!
Joseph P Sullivan
109 AD, City of Albany Towns of
Bethlehem, Guilderland, New Scotland
Updated: 7/16/18 and 7/18, 2018
Conservative Row C November 6, 2018
I will honor my oath of office to uphold
the Constitution, should you elect me.
Issues, Include:
1. Establishing Law and Order in the
City of Albany. Support choosing a
police chief from the ranks of the Albany
Police Force.
Restore Law and Order to Albany streets.
A citywide curfew would be a proper response
the the July crime wave and killings in the city.
Is this filming a proper role model for inner
City youth? How does it benefit City property
tax payers and efforts to curb growing violent
crime in the City of Albany?
Stop and frisk worked in NYC, it can work in
Albany. Disarm the perps!
Contrary to the claims of the Mayor and other
local officials, the Guardian Angels are welcome
by Albany residents.
Neighborhood Association watches should step
up efforts to assist the Albany Police in keeping
our neighborhoods safe.
In the Buckingham Pond/Crestwood NA all
residents are part of our neighborhood watch.
Call the APD Center Sq Station: 458 5660
Anti-Terror Hotline: 1 866 SAFE NY (723 3697)
as needed.
2. End sanctuary status for Albany City
and County.
Local city and county officeholders who support
sanctuary status for Albany City/County are law
breakers. Do not be surprised if they are taken away
in handcuffs by federal authorities later this year.
3. A moratorium on Rezone Albany.
Amending zoning provisions pertaining
to mixed uses in one and two family residential
zones to protect home values, residential integrity
quality of life and the City property tax base
that supports City schools and city government
All tax breaks to promote increased "luxury"
apartment construction and related mixed use
developments should be suspended. Fix the city
sewer system before moving forward with any more
development schemes.
The apartment housing scene in Albany is
saturated. It makes no sense to add development
and population to a city sewer system that is
inadequate to meet the needs of the existing city
4. Oppose city plan to site a sewer treatment plant
in Lincoln Park, next to O'Brien school. Better
alternative is to separate storm and sewer lines
North of Lincoln Park, reroute storm water to
County Treatment Plant, Menands.
Before the City of Albany saddles Albany
taxpayers with 45 million dollars, plus for their
flawed Lincoln Park storm water treatment plant
the separation and rerouting and treatment of
storm water run off at the Menands county
treatment facility should be thoroughly evaluated.
5. The proposed 93 unit "luxury" apartment
development at Academy post office opposite
St Peter's Hospital should be scrapped. It is not
good for St Peter's nor for our neighborhood.
Who will pay a premium rent for an apartment
that has no parking garage? Traffic congestion
is already a major problem in that corridor.
Truth be told the "luxury" housing proposal
will not be and will fail becoming Section 8 housing.
Result: recreation of the former slum that was
in the shadow of Albany Med, further down
New Scotland Ave that required a very expensive
urban renewal project to clear out.
Homeowners along S Manning Blvd and Marion
who pay upwards of 20,000 dollars annual
property taxes , who already suffer damage to
their properties from sewage and storm water
back up, will throw in the towel and flee the city.
This, in turn, will negatively impact
property tax support for City schools and
governmental services. This is wise planning?
6. No sale/privatization of Albany Municipal
Golf Course. The existing seasonal multiple use
pattern by City residents should be retained.
As such, the golf course is an asset to the people
of Albany. It was the intent of former Mayor
Corning and Sttae Senator Howard Nolan Jr
who did the legal annexation work from the Town
of Bethlehem that the golf course would remain
so in perpetuity for the use and benefit of City
7. Amend Small Cities Law to provide that if
the office of Mayor becomes vacant, a city wide
special election to elect a new Mayor shall be held.
This amendment should be passed by the State
Legislature at special session later this year with
an immediate effective date.
Under current law Corey Ellis, Common Council
President would complete the term of Mayor, if
Sheehan vacates that office for any reason. Were
this to happen Albany would surely become Detroit
on the Hudson.
8. Repeal of 2 percent real estate transfer tax for
Town of Bethlehem.
9. Oppose extension of the City trash tax to uptown
single and two family residential neighborhoods.
How many sanitation workers have filed workers
comp claims because the blue container-truck
combo is not working and workers have to lift the
blue bins and empty them into the garbage trucks?
10. Hold on to the 353 acres of Coeyman's land
that former Mayor Jennings acquired with 5.3
million dollars of City taxpayer dollars for use as
as an alternative to closing the present Albany
Under no circumstance should the Sheehan plan
to sell the 353 for about 10 percent of the purchase
price be approved by the Common Council.
Explore other alternative uses for that land and
recoup as much of the original purchase price as
11. Rezone Albany wiped out a number of
neighborhood green spaces we had established
in perpetuity with the Jennings administration
before present Mayor Kathy Sheehan arrived
on the scene.
a) South Manning at New Scotland
b) Krum Kill at New Scotland
c) Whitehall at New Scotland.
All of which are now zoned commercial.
Amend Rezone Albany to restore the above
as green spaces in perpetuity.
We proposed that the Whitehall-New Scotland
corner become the Dan O Connell Memorial
Pocket Park with a flag pole, some benches and
a stone marker honoring Dan who lived down
Whitehall Road.
Sheehan is going to fast track this site as a Dunkin
Donut drive in shop. This will only increase traffic
congestion at that corner.
Dan O'Connell? Socialist Mayor Sheehan could
give a damn less. The party of Dan O Connell is
no more. High jacked by self proclaimed
"progressive" socialists.
Watch this website for additional positions on
Government can't save us, we must save ourselves
and our government.
Elected officials are to serve you, not rule you!
Joseph P Sullivan
Albany County Legislator Sam Fein is sponsoring
proposed local law "R" which would:
* ensure no county agency assists in federal immigration
enforcement requests, or questions people on the street
over their immigration status and
* would include exceptions for county social services
programs that require proof of citizenship.
Fein wants immigrants to know that they are "safe"
and that they don't have to worry about local law
enforcement investigating their citizenship status.
Fein is not honoring his oath of office to uphold
the Constitutution.
We need a local law to remove the likes of Fein from
public office.
Albany City and County need to work with federal
authorities to secure our borders from illegal aliens
and those who remain in country after the expiration
of their visas.
All illegal aliens should be required to register at their
local post offices. The County board of elections should
verify that only U S citizens are registered to vote
and voting in elections. The Albany County Social services
office should verify that non- citizens not are receiving benefits.
The first responsibility of local elected officials is the
security and safety of the citizens who elect them to office.
Joseph P Sullivan
for NYS Assembly
109 AD. City of Albany
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